- coastal erosion
- (hidr) eroziune a coastei
English-Romanian technical dictionary. 2013.
English-Romanian technical dictionary. 2013.
Coastal erosion — Many stretches of the East Anglia, England coastline are prone to heavy levels of erosion, such as this, the collapsed section of cliffs at Hunstanton, Norfolk. Coastal erosion is the wearing away of land and the removal of beach or dune… … Wikipedia
Coastal sediment supply — is the transport of sediment to the beach environment by both fluvial and aeolian transport. While aeolian transport plays a role in the overall sedimentary budget for the coastal environment, it is paled in comparison to the fluvial supply which … Wikipedia
Coastal flood — Coastal flooding occurs when normally dry, low lying land is flooded by sea water.[1] The extent of coastal flooding is a function of the elevation inland flood waters penetrate which is controlled by the topography of the coastal land exposed to … Wikipedia
Coastal geography — is the study of the dynamic interface between the ocean and the land, incorporating both the physical geography (i.e coastal geomorphology, geology and oceanography) and the human geography (sociology and history) of the coast. It involves an… … Wikipedia
Coastal management — This article is about coastal management aimed to prevent erosion and flooding. For broader management issues, see Integrated coastal zone management. Oosterscheldekering sea wall, the Netherlands. In some jurisdictions the terms sea defense and… … Wikipedia
Coastal development hazards — A coastal development hazard can be defined as the likelihood of an event or incident occurring multiplied by the seriousness of the event or incident if it occurred. The seriousness is controlled by how vulnerable the adversely affected party… … Wikipedia
erosion — erosional, adj. /i roh zheuhn/, n. 1. the act or state of eroding; state of being eroded. 2. the process by which the surface of the earth is worn away by the action of water, glaciers, winds, waves, etc. [1535 45; < L erosion (s. of erosio). See … Universalium
erosion — noun ADJECTIVE ▪ serious, severe, significant ▪ Acid rain has caused severe erosion on the hillside. ▪ further ▪ He risks further erosion of his support among voters … Collocations dictionary
coastal — adjective 1. of or relating to a coast (Freq. 1) coastal erosion • Pertains to noun: ↑coast • Derivationally related forms: ↑coast 2. located on or near or bordering on a coast (Freq. 1) … Useful english dictionary
Erosion du littoral — Érosion du littoral 75% environ du trait de côte européen régresse significativement et parfois rapidement, parfois naturellement, parfois suite aux activités humaines, ici sur l île d Héligoland (Allemagne) L érosion du littoral est un phénomène … Wikipédia en Français
Érosion côtière — Érosion du littoral 75% environ du trait de côte européen régresse significativement et parfois rapidement, parfois naturellement, parfois suite aux activités humaines, ici sur l île d Héligoland (Allemagne) L érosion du littoral est un phénomène … Wikipédia en Français